The Process: Boundary – Overdose of Sin. Animated music video. - A close up of a sign - Logo

The Process: Boundary – Overdose of Sin
Animated music video

the first “feature” animation and the first music video i’ve ever created.

all starts with the song and the lyrics, paying attention to the theme, tempo and interesting audio moments.



the lyrics:

We’re riding to the west
Got trouble on my back
My head is on a test
I can hear it crack

Devil rides beside me
We sing the poor-mans blues
He said I’ll make you rich son
Cause you’ve got nothin to loose

Sliding through the doorway
Spinnin’ all around
I like these kinds of trips
That make me tunned to the ground

We’re riding for the overdose of sin

It is a simple overdose of sin
Everything from outside slides within
When you look it closely it’s a fuckin knot
If you get to taste it you’ll know it’s not

So we took our package
The load is in
Devils and me need more
We’re hungry for more sin

We’re riding for the overdose of sin.


then comes the band itself.

the looks, the personality and the vibe.

looking for the cool stuff i could use.

The Process: Boundary – Overdose of Sin. Animated music video. - A man standing in front of a brick wall - Portrait -m-
The Process: Boundary – Overdose of Sin. Animated music video. - A man standing in front of a brick wall - Portrait -m-
The Process: Boundary – Overdose of Sin. Animated music video. - A man standing in front of a brick wall - Portrait -m-
The Process: Boundary – Overdose of Sin. Animated music video. - A person standing in front of a brick wall - Wallpaper
The Process: Boundary – Overdose of Sin. Animated music video. - A man standing in front of a brick wall - Portrait -m-


input from the band: wild and crazy and sick! ram from hell! whores, blood and fights! viking in pink! devils hounds, space shrooms, 3 titted whores and all the beauty of the west!


bring it on!


based on everything, after brainstorming, overconsumption of coffee, listening to the song on the loop for 666 times and blood sacrifice, the story is finally created, paying attention to character’s motivations, the 3-act structure etc.
the “internal” script is developed.


Boundary – Overdose Of Sin – Script

  1. Fade in – intro
    1. A girl walking to the city / village
  2. Introduction to the city/village
  3. Zoom to the distance
    1. Villagers are looking into the distance
    2. Something evil is coming
  4. Quick close up of the gang
    1. Booze, cigs, etc. bad attitude
    2. Master shot of the gang (the gang is flying with/on/part of the ram from hell) coming to the city to destroy or transform a “nice” place to an “evil” place
  5. More details of the gang
  6. The gang approaches the city – villagers are running scared
  7. Gang comes down Jumping off – gang member no 1 transforming villagers
  8. Chorus – main hellram in the sky – psychedelic stuff – snakes – skulls – eyes – hooker legs
  9. Bridge – quick shots transformation villagers
  10. Gang no 2 transforming villagers
  11. Gang no 3 transforming villagers
  12. Chorus – same as before, but a bit different, for example, a different colour scheme. hellram in the sky – psychedelic stuff – snakes – skulls – eyes – hooker legs
  13. The whole village is destroyed
  14. Solo – Gang notices the young girl in the back (the one from the beginning of the story) – she is hot, she is tasty
    1. They come closer
  15. She starts tripping – bleeding eyes and stuff
    1. Transforms into a mega demon (turns out she is the main villain) and
    2. The gang is shit scared, starts running
  16. Quick cuts of demon destroying the gang
  17. Quick cuts everything is shaking and burning
  18. Everyone is destroyed and the gang is destroyed
    1. The demon woman is standing while everything is on fire
    2. Quick flash of the demon face (that looks an eviler version of hellram) before a complete
    3. fade out


based on the script the storyboards are developed and presented to the band for approval.

The Process: Boundary – Overdose of Sin. Animated music video. - A screenshot of a cell phone - Human behavior

by the way, have you noticed that I’ve put a reference to Fight Club (1999)?

The Process: Boundary – Overdose of Sin. Animated music video. - A close up of text on a black background - Visual arts
The Process: Boundary – Overdose of Sin. Animated music video. - A screenshot of a cell phone - Sketch
The Process: Boundary – Overdose of Sin. Animated music video. - A close up of text on a black background - Shoe
The Process: Boundary – Overdose of Sin. Animated music video. - A screenshot of a cell phone - Design
The Process: Boundary – Overdose of Sin. Animated music video. - A screenshot of a cell phone - Human


the band gives a green light.


the production begins.
gathering of the assets: photos and references.
proofs of concept are created.
drawings are made.
collages are collaged.

Monty Python animation as the main inspiration.
Grindhouse violence and humour


“viking in pink” immediately gave me the idea of Power Rangers

and The Monster Squad

therefore all 5 band members should have different colours and looks.

The Process: Boundary – Overdose of Sin. Animated music video. - Costume design

the characters are drawn and then rigged in DUIK



the faces are photos in order to show the real band members and to play on the idea that “power/monster squad” are using the faces as masks.



the locomotion animation reference




i love to add female hands and/or eyes in one way or another to all my projects, if it’s appropriate.
especially hands with long fingers and nails.
i guess that’s my “tarantino’s feet”.


the “babylon”


the main characters are hand-drawn, but the “villagers” just like the “babylon” are a mix of everything and therefore photo collages.


many smalls things were also hand-drawn.


everything is gathered and animated in after effects.


in the very end after all the rendering we have the final music video


check out other projects at “The Process


easter eggs